Shirts for Support


Within the last week Ryan and I have been racking our brains trying to come up with creative ideas to raise money to fund this journey. It is so tiring, yet so rewarding all at the same time. It’s hard to contain our excitement sometimes. We feel like we have come up with some pretty good ideas but as always ideas are welcomed 🙂

We have recently launched our online store where we are selling t-shirts. The website allows us to sell several shirts and make a significant profit from them. It is a great way for us to make money without having to worry or stress about ordering the shirts, shipping the shirts, and keeping up with payments. The website allows you guys to go on, pick your shirt and they will ship it to you directly. We then receive an email telling us what we have sold.

If you would like to give in this way please visit the following link:

Please make sure to only buy the shirts that are shown on our site through this link. These shirts are the ones that we have chosen to fund our adoption.

Thank you so much for your faithfulness and willingness to help us make our dream a reality. We couldn’t do it without you.


Ryan and Tori


We have recently found out through and CPA and attorney that attend our church that we are unable to funnel the donations through our church and THANK GOD she spoke up.  We would have caused a major hiccup.  So we have set up an account at a bank with overseers to see that each penny is fully accounted for and reaches it destination.  So please forgive our mistake, this is our first time doing something like this and our excitement got the better of us. 




If you would like to give:


  1. Please make you checks out to “Ryan and Tori Gibson” and in the memo line please put “Gibson Adoption Fund”


Address:  The Place Church

            790 North Dixie Ave Suite 900

            Elizabethtown KY, 42701



FAQ Why did you guys pick Ethiopia over another country or America?

Good question. We have gotten that one a few times. With as much travel as Tori and her dad have done through missions work to third world countries it has been heavily one Tori’s heart to adopt abroad. When you see the difference between poverty America and poverty third world they are extremely drastic. Poverty in America, seems to be, that you don’t always get want you want ( there are extreme cases of abuse and hunger, we understand that) and poverty third world is no roof over your head or clothes to wear. Several years ago a minister was talking about adoption and I felt that God was calling me to that and that it would be abroad. Foreign and domestic adoption prices are close to the same, save travel. Also to qualify for most adoptions you have to be married at least 5 yrs and both expecting parents have to be over 30 yrs of age. Ethiopia only requires the couple to have to been married 2 yrs with only one parent at 30yrs of age. Adoption agencies (foreign and domestic) also have other requirements that not everyone falls in, certain assets requirements that are hard for many young couples to have, it would be hard for many established couples to have during this time. Not to mention when we adopt a girl from Ethiopia we also get to of sparing her life from being sold into sex slavery. Please send any questions you have my way. I am gathering them up for a frequently asked questions (FAQ’s) sheet.

More and more exciting things..

Today we recieved more exciting information in our journey. We were assigned our family coordinator who will walk us through the “paper chase” portion of our adoption. We now have many different hoops to jump through and lots of papers to gather in order to bring our child one step closer to being home. This part of the process can take anywhere from 4 to 6 months. So please continue to pray for us as this will more than likely seem like much longer than 4 to 6 months. We are praying for favor with God and with men as we begin to walk this journey out. It is our prayer that the process would go quicker than expected because we know God’s hand will be on it the whole time. We are so excited to see how God is going to work in this whole process.

Thank you for praying for us and supporting us. We know with God all things are possible.

With love,

Ryan and Tori


Welcome to the Ethiopia Program…

I heard these words for the first time today which signify the very beginning of one of the greatest journeys Ryan and I will ever walk through. I can’t believe that this moment has come. It will be a time of excitement, anticipation, faith and emotions. I know that this journey will be one that is going to be worth all of it.

For years it has been a desire of mine to adopt a baby that doesn’t look like me or necessarily come from my blood line. I can remember God placing the desire on my heart long before I ever had the desire to be a mother. I knew that God was preparing me and my future spouse for this special calling. When I met Ryan and discovered that this was also a desire that was placed on his heart, we knew that it wouldn’t be long before we started to persue this desire. When we finally decided to act on it God kept confirming Himself time and time again that we were in fact walking in the specific calling that He has for our lives in this season. We couldn’t be more excited. Although we are nervous and excited all at the same time we know that with God all things are possible and it will only be a matter of time until our Ethiopian child will be home. More than anything we are so excited and humbled that God has choosen us to walk through this journey with Him where we will grow and mature and ultimately be providing a home full of love and opportunity for a very precious child.

We covet your prayers for us as we begin this journey. We are so excited to be a part of what God is going to do through this process!

With love,

Ryan and Tori